BR Reality manages and leases the properties owned by the Group’s members in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia. Besides industrial properties, they also specialise in commercial and residential properties. Their operations are conducted through several independent companies:
Business company: BR Reality a.s.
Identification number: 17580048
Sales and rentals of BR Group properties
Business company: BR Reality Lanškroun s.r.o.
Identification number: 26846837
Management and rental of properties in Sázava, Ostrov u Lanškroun and Šternberk
Business company: BR Reality Mohelnice s.r.o.
Identification number: 21800171
Management and rental of properties v Mohelnici
Business company: BR Reality Polska SP. Z O.O.
National Court Register number 0001013943
Tax identification number 5730105139
Management, rental and sale of properties in Częstochowa, Poland.
Contact person: Barbora Matlengová
+420 739 553 904
Poděbradova 2738/16, Moravská Ostrava, 702 00 Ostrava